Saturday, October 20, 2012

EDUC 6713 Reflection

At the beginning of this course, I developed a GAME plan to bring authentic problems into my classroom through the use of technology and to enhance communication with my students and their parents by using Edmodo. Dr. Katherine Cennamo defines a GAME plan as a strategy that self-directed learners use to promote personal growth and development (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010).
            As I moved through my GAME plan for incorporating Edmodo into my classroom, I quickly discovered there would be bumps in the road. While I have found Edmodo to be a wonderful way to increase collaboration and engagement amongst my students, I have had parents deny their child access to Edmodo. For these students, I have tried to create activities that are just as interactive but it is hard. However, through the use of open-ended questions on Edmodo, I have seen my other students gain a depth of understanding for the concepts being taught in the classroom.
            As for integrating authentic problems into my classroom, I developed three GAME lesson plans in which I incorporated technology into my content area: math. While I have only had the chance to integrate one of the lessons with my students, I have found they were much more engaged. Not only did my students become more engaged, they also seemed to gain a deeper understanding of quantitative relationships because they had the opportunity to explore the concept at their own pace and level.
            I have already made adjustments to my instructional practice because I now think of how technology can enhance my lessons. I no longer look for technology to force into my lessons and realize there are some days I can use technology easily and others where I will need to spend time researching best practices. I have learned how problem-based learning can enhance student learning, I have used social media sites to allow students to collaborate in a setting which some are more comfortable, and have developed ideas and plans for integrating digital storytelling into my classroom. I am excited and prepared to continue using these technologies in my classroom.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Promoting self-directed learning with technology. [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monitoring My Game Plan

First Goal Recap: My first goal is to engage my 7t grade math students in authentic problems using digital tools.

I am finding it difficult to find the information and resources I need. Unfortunately, my class is very fast paced and we are gearing up for our first district benchmark test, which must be given on a certain date. I have found great ideas and potential lesson plans to use, but unfortantely I have not found anything appropriate for my students regarding rational numbers.

I have decided I need to modify my plan. Originally I had my timeline set to implement a problem-based type learning activity that utilizes technology by next week. In order to ensure I am implementing an activity that builds on my students’ learning, I want to extend my timeline. I want to wait until the beginning of December. Due to Christmas break; my math-pacing guide has a lull in December, which proposes the perfect time to implement a project. I do not want to implement an authentic problem that can be solved completed in a fifty-minute period. Authentic problems are not neatly packaged in a certain time frame and I want to allow flexibility during this learning curve. As Dr. Peggy Ertmer states in “Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences with Technology, Part 1” part of integrating technology effectively relies on a teacher’s confidence (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010).

During my research for this learning goal, I have learned that authentic learning problems do not have to be complicated. I am finding it harder to find ways to integrate technology into activities within the limits and confines of my school’s resources. My question remains the same: how do others use technology in fast-paced math classes? I find by the time I get technology, such as computers, passed out, my time left in class is limited.

Second Goal Recap: My second goal is to use a variety of formats to communicate with parents and students.

My goal specifically revolves around using Edmodo to interact with students and parents. I have found many resources, specifically from my colleagues. I have two colleagues who already use Edmodo in their classroom and have shared the ways they implement it within their content area. I have already created a parent letter, which introduces Edmodo, and gains parent permission for students to use Edmodo. I have also set up individual sections on my Edmodo site for each class period, along with an introduction activity.

At this time, I do not need to modify my plan. My students will be registered and utilizing Edmodo within the next two weeks as scheduled. So far, I have learned that Edmodo can be used in a variety of ways to enhance student participation and communication.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Enriching content area learning with technology, part 1 [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Working on my GAME Plan

In order to meet my first goal, which involves engaging students in authentic problems utilizing tools, I need to research lessons that other teachers have done. So far I have started towards this goal through the help of my peers. My peers have posted helpful suggestions for me on my blog that are leading me to examples of problem-based learning in the mathematics classroom. Now that I have some good examples of authentic learning experiences, I now need to research how technology is used in the math classroom. This is an area I need assistance. My problem is I get stuck on using technology as replacement of paper and pencil techniques. I would like to find a use of technology that extends students’ learning, not simply replacing something that could be done without technology.  The steps I have taken so far consist of researching authentic learning experiences in regards to rational numbers, which will be the next unit of study for my students. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

I have already taken some action towards my second goal, which is to use Edmodo to increase communication with my students and parents. I have set up my account and started to set up general parameters, such as different sections for each period, creating an introductory poll and quiz for my students. Resources I need for carrying out my plan are a parent letter explaining the website and gaining permission for students to access Edmodo. I have found a few sample letters online, which I will draw from to create my own letter.  I also found a wiki page on Edmodo that shares ideas on what it is used for. This wiki offers great explanations for how to set up and monitor wiki pages. My next step will be to write my own parent letter and roll out my Edmodo webpage to my students.


The Who, What (For), When, Where, How, and Why (Not) of Edmodo! Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My GAME Plan


In “Promoting Self-Directed Learning with Technology,” Dr. Katherine Cennamo introduces the concept of creating a GAME plan, which supports self-directed learners in creating a strategy for personal growth and development (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010). It is important for teachers to constantly assess their own learning and make a plan for how to improve their practices.


When reviewing the National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T), there are two indicators I would like to strengthen. I would like to improve on Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity, specifically, the indicator that states teachers should, “Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources” (International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE], 2012). I currently teach seventh grade Pre-Algebra and do not utilize technology to enhance student learning in authentic situations like I can or should.

The second standard I would like to improve on is Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning, indicator: “Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media formats” (ISTE, 2012). I have a classroom website to communicate with parents, and a blog to communicate with my peers, but I am currently lacking a way to communicate with my students.


In order to achieve my goals, I will need to take action. When it comes to improving on Standard 1, I will first need to analyze my curriculum and find areas where I would like to emphasize authentic problems. From there, I will research technologies that can enhance the learning experience. I will use search engines and conversations with my colleagues to gain ideas. Once I have developed a lesson plan and found a technology to use, I will implement my lesson.

In order to achieve my second goal, I will create an account on Edmodo. Edmodo is a social network specifically designed for schools, which allows teachers and students to connect and collaborate (Edmodo, 2012). The best part about Edmodo is that it will not only offer a way to communicate with my students, but will also act as another mode of communication I can use with parents and colleagues. The actions I will need to take are creating an account, setting up my Edmodo page, and sharing how to use it with my students.

In order to monitor my progress while working on my two goals, I will set up a time frame for each component of my action plans. My personality prefers structure, and I am very good at accomplishing my tasks if organized in a “checklist” type of manner, in which certain tasks must be done by a certain time.


To evaluate if I have strengthened Standard 1, I will evaluate student progress and engagement. I will use surveys to gain students’ opinions on the activity and technology I implement to see if they feel it was a valuable learning experience. I will also use informal observations of my students to determine if the technology I have implemented is enhancing or hindering student learning. One thing I will be looking at is whether or not the technology I use is a placeholder for an older technology or actually brings something more to the lesson.

To evaluate if I have strengthened Standard 3, I will use my Edmodo page to see if I have more open communication with my students. My page will offer immediate feedback on whether or not students are actually communicating with me outside of the classroom in an open and educational way. If students are not utilizing Edmodo, I will have to determine if it is how I have my page set up or due to student access to technology outside of the classroom.

For both of the standards I want to improve on, the biggest thing I will have to do is reflect and analyze what worked in each situation and what did not. From there, I will have to reevaluate my goals and either make new action plans or continue using the practices I have developed.

I am hoping my colleagues can offer how they use technology to enhance technology in authentic math lessons. Also, if anyone has used or is using Edmodo, what are your main uses of it? Another question I have is, how do you encourage students to utilize Edmodo?


Edmodo. (2012). About. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Produce). (2010). Promoting self-directed learning with technology. [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2012). Nets-t. Retrieved from

Friday, April 13, 2012

EDUC 6711 Reflection

            In Week One of this course, I constructed my personal theory of learning.  My theory then and now consists of a combination of the constructivist and social learning theories. Throughout this course, I have deepened my understanding of these two theories. I have learned the many different technology resources I can use to support my personal theory of learning. The biggest thing I am walking away with from this class is the difference between technologies as instructional tools versus learning tools. Dr. Michael Orey explains in “Technology: Instructional Tool vs. Learning Tool” that instructional tools are technologies used to by the teacher to present information, whereas learning tools are technologies used by students to be active learners (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011b). This simple distinction made me realize that many uses of technology in my classroom are primarily used by me, which is not the student-centered classroom I want. 
            To begin my shift to a student-centered classroom, I need to put technology into the hands of my students in meaningful ways. One technology tool I will immediately implement is the use of combination notes through the use of Microsoft Word. Combination notes support the cognitive learning theory because it aligns with Paivio’s dual coding hypothesis that states information is stored as text and pictures (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011a). I will use this strategy and combine it with my own personal learning theory, by having students collaborate with a partner to create combination notes on different topics. (See my blog posting from March 13 for more information on combination notes.)
            Another technology tool I will begin to implement is the use of a blog. I have tried to use a blog in my classroom before, but I did not give my students time in class to practice using the blog. I want to use a blog in my classroom because it will give students a chance to interact with each other, while creating artifacts they can go back and revisit. My plan is to set up a time when my students can go into the computer lab and respond to open-ended blog posts.
            This class has introduced me to many different technology tools that I am excited to use in the future. One long-term goal I have is to utilize spreadsheets for students to track their effort and grades. One major obstacle I face as a teacher is showing my students they are accountable for their grades, as they often feel it is out of their control. Over the summer, I plan to create a spreadsheet within GoogleDocs for students to use next year. Next year, our school will be piloting Google email accounts for our students. I will set my students up with their Google accounts and then spend the first few weeks of school explaining what effort is and how to use GoogleDocs. Then, after every chapter test in math and science, I will have my students grade their effort and record their scores in our computer lab.
            Another technology tool I would like to use is Edmodo. Since my personal theory involves the social learning theory, I think this step makes sense. Edmodo offers many options for collaborating. Edmodo allows students to interact, take quizzes, utilize GoogleDocs, and more. My plan for integration is again, to set up an account on Edmodo this summer. I want time to become familiar with Edmodo and the options it has. I will not roll out Edmodo at the very beginning of the year but will wait until October or November. My reasoning for this is I do not want to overwhelm my students or myself at the beginning of the school year because we will already be learning about GoogleDocs and normal classroom procedures. In October or November, my plan is to slowly introduce students to Edmodo, getting them set up, and then giving them simple tasks in the beginning. Then, by January or February, I hope to have my students fully engaged in Edmodo. My biggest goal is to take baby steps to make these transitions easier for everyone.

 Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011a). Program five: Cognitive learning theory [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011b). Program thirteen: Technology: Instructional tool vs. learning tool [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Social Learning Theories Put Into Practice

This week’s resources have been focused on social learning theories. Dr. Michael Orey describes social learning theories as being focused on activities that students are engaged with creating artifacts or interacting with others (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).  Social learning theories have been and are becoming more prominent in schools with buzzwords such as “collaborative” or “cooperative” learning.

Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, sites several ways to incorporate technology into the classroom while fostering cooperative learning. One suggestion the authors give is to use multimedia in the classroom. In this situation, students are working together to create a movie and are also involved in cooperative teaching and learning (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007). The authors explain that students can be given roles or tasks within these movie projects, to ensure students are engaging appropriately and also stress that rubrics are critical for ensuring students understand what is expected of them (Pitler et al., 2007).

Another strategy Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, suggests is to use web resources in order to communicate with students from other cities, states, and countries (Pitler et al., 2007, p.145). At the Computer-Using Educator’s (CUE) conference in Palm Springs this month, Dr. Howie DiBlasi presented on different sources teachers can utilize for collaboration. You can check out his Power Point presentation on his website. (Click here to get to his website.) Once at his website, scroll down and download the PowerPoint labeled "2012 CUE-Give Kids the World-Collaboration Projects for the Digital Age Classroom."

Lastly, Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, explains how building a website can be used to foster cooperative learning (Pitler et al., 2007). While the authors walk through specific websites to be used, I think a basic class wiki page would be just as beneficial. The point of this activity is to get students working together to create an artifact that can be shared with the world.

All of these strategies have one thing in common: they require students to work together. Collaboration and cooperative learning allows students to create a piece of work to be shared with an audience. This is how many of us learn today, especially those of us taking online courses, and it should not be ignored in our classrooms today.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program eight: Social learning theories [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


Here is my VoiceThread. Be kind, it is my first one...

URL for VoiceThread:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Constructivist versus Constructionist

According to Dr. Michael Orey the constructivist learning theory explains how each person’s knowledge is unique to his or her individual experiences (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). The example he uses to explain this, is that while two people both know what a chair is, the chairs they have seen and sat in are different. So, if the word chair comes up in conversation, different people will picture different chairs. While this learning theory is a good reminder for teachers that students do not all come to school with the same experiences, it is not a useful theory for classroom practices.

Whereas, constructionism is a learning theory that can help teachers drive their classroom practices. Constructionism is a learning theory, which explains that students learn best when they build or create something that can be shared with others (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). What is great about this learning theory is that it does not have to be elaborate or over the top to be effective! Dr. Orey explains constructionism can be as simple as having students construct a Power Point presentation using text, pictures, visuals, and then presenting to the class (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).

In Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, the authors explain how spreadsheets can be used to integrate constructionism and Project-Based Learning (PBL) into the classroom. For example, students can use spreadsheets to manipulate, graph, and test predictions by using software such as Microsoft Excel (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007, p.204). This correlates with the idea of constructionism because students are given the chance to create spreadsheets and graphs using a technology tool, which can then be shared with others.

Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, also addresses web resources, which let students use their “background knowledge, make decisions, and see the outcome of their hypotheses” (Pitler et al., 2007, p.212). The website Smog City allows students to create a city with certain parameters and then see the effects on a city’s ozone and smog levels. Web resources, such as this one, allow students to construct situations they would not be able to do normally in a classroom setting. By giving students the chance to construct scenarios, they are creating an experience they can then share with others, which supports constructionist learning. 


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program seven: Constructionist and constructivist learning theories [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cognitive Learning Theory and Technology Strategies

This week, I have been researching how the cognitive learning theory can be used in the classroom through the use of technology. My focus has been on how cognitive tools are used to enhance cues, questions, and advance organizers in the classroom, along with summarizing and note taking.

How to Embed Technology into Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers

In Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, the authors describe cues as reminders given to students in order for students to know what they are about to learn, and questions are asked to trigger students’ prior knowledge (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007, p.73). The use of advance organizers can take cues and questions to the next level, by helping students focus their learning. Advance organizers can be created through word processing applications as well as concept mapping tools. (Check out one concept mapping tool I have used here at SpiderScribe) Advance organizers directly correlate with cognitive tools. One role of a cognitive tool is to present information in a “meaningful and appropriate representation” (Robertson, Elliot, & Robinson, 2007). Advance organizers allow students to show relationships among content in different forms. Students can organize information through the use of a Power Point, Word document, or concept map. If using Google Docs, students can share and edit each other’s organizers to help clarify information. For more information on advance organizers and concept maps check out this section on WikiEd.

How to Embed Technology into Summarizing and Note Taking

The purpose of summarizing and taking notes is to teach students how to take information and condense it down to the most important points (Pitler et al., 2007). One strategy that is presented in Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works is to use Microsoft Word to model for students how to summarize information. The authors describe how you can use the “track changes” feature to delete redundant information and simplify terms (Pitler et al., 2007, p.123). The other option the authors offer is to use the “AutoSummarize” tool, which will automatically summarize information in a document (Pitler et al., 2007, p.123). By using the “AutoSummarize” or “Track Changes” tools, students can see the information in the original and summarized form. This gives students a visual of how summarizing condenses information, which aligns with Paivio’s dual coding hypothesis that states information is stored as images and text (Orey, 2011).

Another great strategy offered in Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works is a note taking strategy called combination notes. Combination notes consist of notes or facts on the left, pictures on the right, and a one to two sentence conclusion at the bottom (Pitler et al., 2007, p.124). (Download a template here.) This strategy can be used in a word processing application. Students can use the Internet and clip art to find appropriate pictures that align with their notes on the left-hand side. If your students have access to Google Docs, they can also share their combination notes, so they can see how other students approached and organized the same information. This strategy also aligns with Paivio’s dual coding hypothesis because students are organizing and synthesizing the information through the use of text and pictures.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program five: Cognitive learning theory [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Robertson, B., Elliot, L., & Robinson, D. (2007). Cognitive tools. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Behaviorism in the Classroom

This week I have been reading about the behaviorist learning theory and how it relates to reinforcing effort and homework and practice. Dr. Michael Orey explains the behaviorist learning theory as being focused on changes in behavior that are caused by stimulus-response associations (2001).

In Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, it is suggested that students keep track of the amount of effort they put into their work through the use of a rubric and excel spreadsheet (Pitler, 2007). Now, I think this is a great idea! Not all students come to school ready to put in hard work, so it is important that schools teach these skills and traits to our students. The idea of monitoring success on an excel spreadsheet directly correlates with the behaviorist learning theory. The sample rubric used in Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works has categories such as class notes, attention, and participation, in which students rate their effort. They then keep track of this information on an excel spreadsheet, along with their academic grades on quizzes and tests, to see the correlation between the two. In this case, students are under going operant conditioning, which is when satisfying responses are learned to be repeated and unsatisfying responses are not (Orey, 2011). (See a funny clip from the Big Bang Theory that illustrates operant conditioning at:       

If students see that as their effort goes up, so do their grades, they are more likely to repeat their actions when it comes to effort. If they see that a lack of effort correlates with low grades, they may desire to change their behaviors. I think this activity has great potential. While I believe there will still be students out there who do not gain a positive outlook from this approach, it will be more beneficial than not. As an educator, it is our job to give students tools for success in order to become life long learners, and this activity would be a great way to help students engrain the idea that effort goes with success. Has anyone tried teaching effort? Was it successful?

As for homework and practice, the very idea of giving homework aligns with the behaviorist learning theory. The behaviorist learning theory promotes repetition. According to Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, in order for students to reach eighty percent proficiency on a skill, they need to practice the skill approximately 24 times (Pitler, 2007, p.188). Pitler suggests using multimedia and web resources to enhance homework and practice. (An example of a multimedia website schools can sign up to use is First in Math. Whereas, an example of a web resource is Math Playground.) Multimedia and web resources allow students to complete skill and practice type activities through technology. In return, technology can allow for differentiation and monitoring of student progress. While I do not use technology as a required part of homework since some of my students do not have access, I assign math homework practice nightly. My worry is that some students practice skills incorrectly, thus internalizing the skill incorrectly, as Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works explains can happen if teachers do not provide feedback quickly (Pitler, 2007). While I review concepts before assigning homework and immediately the next day, I know some students are learning concepts incorrectly. How do other teachers handle homework and avoid internalizing of incorrect methods?

Orey, M. (Ed.). (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Most Important Element…Reflecting

My Reflection

As the course “The Impact of Technology” comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the last seven weeks. This course has been the most inspiring for me and makes me realize I need to begin to change my practices to become a better teacher for my 21st century learners. While I consider myself to be a digital native, this course has given me the time to play with web tools, such as blogging and wikis, that I have always considered myself too busy for. I have read blogs and wikis, but never taken the time to create my own, to experience sharing my thoughts with the world.

This course has allowed me to develop my technology skills by giving me time to look at web tools and realize the power they have for the classroom if used appropriately. I have now taken the time to play with Garage Band in order to create a podcast, create RSS feeds, use a reader to track websites I regularly frequent, blog, and create a wiki. I have examined how these resources are used by other teachers and now have ideas of how I can use them within my own classroom.

I have realized that the teaching and learning process has changed. I was taught with little technology, even though I had technology available at home. As the years have passed, technology has become more ingrained within homes than ever, yet school systems have stayed the same. Outside of the school system, when I want to learn how to do something, the first place I look is the web. If I am sick, I can simply look up my symptoms. If I want to buy a new electronic gadget for my house, I go on the web to read reviews and compare prices. Information and opportunities to learn something new are at my fingertips. This is the same for my students. While education still has standards in each subject matter to address, learning is not something you have to wait to do at school. It can be done anytime, and practically anywhere. Teachers need to bring this mindset into the classroom and give students the opportunity to learn in the ways they know how and that interest them.  As a teacher, I am no longer the expert in the room; there is potential to have 34 plus experts.

The education system needs to embrace this mindset. The classroom needs to be shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered. Since this course has begun, I have done two activities that are solely student-centered, and the results gave me goose bumps. Students are very capable when given guidance and the correct tools and it is in those moments that students are given the opportunity to really learn. Student-centered is the way of the future, and districts, schools, and teachers need to get on board.

As this course comes to a close, I have begun to make plans on how to continue my personal development when it comes to educational technology. For one, I will continue to use the web to further my own professional development. There are many websites and blogs to explore that discuss the integration of technology and I will continue to surf these to get ideas. In my classroom, I will integrate the web tools that have been the most inspiring in this course, such as blogs, wikis, and podcasts. Through trial and error, I will find which tools will work best within my curriculum and have my students give input on how they would like to use these tools to further their education.

My Goals

My first goal is to get my students emails, so that we can create wikis, utilize Google docs, and more. This goal is already in the works. I have a meeting with my district’s technology coordinator (tomorrow actually) and a meeting with my school’s technology coordinator to set up my class wiki while still being compliant with my district’s policies. If I am successful, my goal is to begin teaching my students the skills needed immediately so that we can begin using these tools. If I cannot achieve this goal, I will use other web tools, such as blogs, which students can utilize with or without a school email address.

My second goal is to empower my students. As Marc Prensky states in “Listen to the Natives,” schools need to include students on making decisions regarding curriculum development, teaching methods, etc. Our students know what the world of technology offers and are great assets, which we need to utilize. While I will continue to explore web tools that will increase student achievement, I will also have my students help me develop ideas.

How have I changed?

When this class started, I was not involved in developing technology skills within my school. Since my class, I have joined my school’s technology committee and am now involved in making decisions regarding educational technology for my school. I am sharing what I have learned in this course with my co-workers and administrators to gain their support and help lead our school in the right direction.

I am now engaging my students in dialogue about technology, talking about appropriate uses of technology, and beginning to integrate technology in meaningful ways. As I continue to learn more, collaborate with colleagues and students, and experiment with technology in order to determine best practices, I will continue to change and evolve. 

Prensky, M. (2005). Listen to the natives. Educational Leadership, 63(4), 8-13. 
"In what other profession..." by David Reber

David does a great job pointing out the fact that teachers are often overlooked when analyzing and critiquing education. Last time I checked, if you want to know about a profession, you go to the people working within it. This article is written by a teacher who writes from his heart. Read the article, tell me what you think...

"In what other profession..."by David Reber